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団体名 特定非営利活動法人 日本小児肝臓研究所
所在地 横浜市鶴見区下末吉一丁目2番13号 レジデンス横浜Ⅲ101
設立 2011年12月19日
代表者名 理事長 藤澤 知雄
活動内容 (1) 小児肝臓病及びその予防に関する相談事業
(2) 小児肝臓病に関する普及啓発活動事業
(3) 小児肝臓学に関する学術研究事業
(4) 小児肝臓学研究者育成事業
(5) その他この法人の目的を達成するために必要な事業
沿革 NPO法人設立前には任意団体としての活動は行っておりません。藤澤、乾、十河、小松らが個々に肝臓消化器学の専門の立場から小児肝臓病の治療や予防、消化器病の対策、脱水の管理、内視鏡の普及など啓発活動を行ってまいりました。

NPO法人 日本小児肝臓研究所 理事長 プロフィール

daihyoNPO法人 日本小児肝臓研究所
理事長 藤澤知雄(ふじさわ ともお、Fujisawa Tomoo)

済生会横浜市東部病院小児肝臓消化器科 顧問
NPO法人 日本小児肝臓研究所 理事長

1969 早稲田大学教育学部生物学科中退
1975 日本大学医学部卒業
同年~1979 関東逓信病院(現NTT東日本関東病院)小児科研修医・専修医
2000 防衛医科大学校 助教授
2003 国際医療福祉大学小児科教授
2007 済生会横浜市東部病院こどもセンター部長
2013 済生会横浜市東部病院小児肝臓消化器科顧問


社会的活動:日本肝臓学会評議員、日本肝臓学会専門医指導医、日本小児肝臓研究会運営委員長、日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会学術委員長、武蔵野小児肝臓病懇話会代表世話人、 第27回日本小児栄養消化器病学会会長(2000)、第21回日本小児肝臓研究会会長(2004)、厚生労働省研究班「ウイルス母子感染防止に関する研究」、「難治性の肝疾患に関する調査研究」、「特殊免疫グロブリンの国内製造に係わる基礎整備に関する研究」の分担研究者
業績:Hepatology, J Hepatology, J Pediatrics, Blood, Lancetなど小児の感染症・肝疾患・代謝疾患に関する論文
主な肝臓関係の論文(英文論文のみ) Fujisawa T, Inui A, Ohkawa T, et al. Response to IFN therapy in children with chronic hepatitis C. J Pediatr, 127, 660-2, 1995 Inui A, Fujisawa T, Miyagawa Y, et al. Histology activity of the liver in children with transfusion-associated chronic hepatitis C. J Hepatology, 21, 748-53, 1994 Inui A, Fujisawa T, Komatsu H, et al. Histological improvement in native liver after auxiliary partial liver transplantation for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency Lancet, 348, 751-2, 1996 Komatsu H, Fujisawa T, Inui A, et al. Efficacy of IFN in treating chronic hepatitis C in children with a history of acute leukemia. BLOOD, 87, 4072-5, 1996 Fujisawa T, Onoue M, Inui A, Kosugi T. Serial changes in titers of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen after immunization of infants born to mothers with hepatitis B e antigen. J Pefiatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 23, 270-273, 1996 Fujisawa T, Komatsu H, Inui A. et al. Spontaneous remission of chronic hepatitis in children. Eur J Pediatr, 156, 773-6, 1997 Komatsu H, Fujisawa T, Inui A, et al. Mutations in the nonstructural protein 5A gene and response to IFN therapy in young patients with chronic hepatitis C virus 1b infection. J Med Virol, 53, 361-5, 1997 Komatsu H, Fujisawa T, Inui A, et al. GBV-C/HGV infection in children with chronic hepatitis C. J Med Virol, 59, 154-9, 1999 Kage M, Fujisawa T, Shiraki K, et al. Pathology of chronic hepatitis C in children. Hepatology, 26, 771-5, 1997 Fujisawa T, Inui A, Komatsu H, Ohkawa T, Sogo T, Niyagawa Y. Hepatitis B precore mutation in children with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Pediatr Int, 41, 603-608, 1999 Fujisawa T, Komatsu H, Inui A, et al. Long-term outcome of chronic hepatitis B in adolescents and young adults in follow-up from childhood. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 30. 201-6, 2000 Fujisawa T, Inui A, Komatsu H, Sogo T, et al. A comparative study on pathologic features of chronic hepatitis C and B in pediatric patients. Pediatric Pathology and Molecular Medicine. 19: 469-480, 2000 Komatsu H, Fujisawa T, et al. Acute self-limiting hepatitis B after immunoprophylaxis failure in an infant. J Med Virol. 66, 28-33, 2002 Komatsu H, Inui A, Sogo T, Kuroda K, Tanaka T, Fujisawa T, et al. TTV infection in children born to mothers infected with TTV but not with HBV, HCV, or HIV. J Med Virol. 74:499-506, 2004 Nagasaka H, Yorifuji T, Egawa H, Yanai H, Fujisawa T, Kosugiyama K, Matsui A, Hasegaea M, Okada T, Takayanagi M, Chiba H, Kobayashi K. Evaluation of risk for atherosclerosis in Alagille syndrome and progressive familial intrehepatic cholestasis: two congenital cholestatic disease with different lipoprotein metabolisms. J Pediatr. 146: 329-35, 2005 Inui A, Fujisawa T, Kubo T, Sogo T, Komatsu H, Kagata Y. A case of neonatal hemochromatosis-like liver failure with spontaneous remission. JPGN. 40:374-377, 2005 Inui A, Sogo T, Komatsu H, Miyakawa H, Fujisawa T. Antibodies against cytokeratin 8/18 in apatient with de novo autoimmune hepatitis after living-donor liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 11: 504-7, 2005 Komatsu H, Inui A, Sogo T, Fujisawa T, Egawa H, Tanaka K. Severe hypogammaglobulinemia associated with hepatic vein stenosis causes cytomegalovirus infection after living-related transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 7: 41-44, 2005 Nagasaka H, Inoue I, Inui A, Komatsu H, Sogo T, Murayama K, Murakami T, Yorifuji T, Asayama K, Katayama S, Uemoto S, Kobayashi K, Takayanagi M, Fujisawa T, Tsukahara H. Relatiionship between oxidative stress and antioxidant systems in the liver of patients with Wilson disease: hepatic manifestation in Wilson disease as a consequence of augmented oxidative stress. Pediatr Res. 60 (4): 472-7, 2006; Inui A, Komatsu H, Sogo T, Nagai T, Abe Kenji, and Fujisawa T. Hepatitis B virus Genotypes in children and adolescents in Japan: Before and after after immunization for the prevention of mother to infant transmission of HBV. J Med Virol. 79:670-675, 2007 Fujisawa T, Sogo T, Komatsu H, Inui A. Autoimmune hepatitis in childhood. Hepatol Res. 37:S496-500, 2007. Murray KF, Shah U, Mohan N, Heller S, Gonzalez-Peralta RP, Kelly D, Chang MH, Mieeli-Vergani G, Jara P, Fujisawa T. Chronic Hepatitis. J Pediatr Gastroentel Nutr. 47: 225-233, 2008 Shah U, Kelly D, Chang MH, Fujisawa T, Heller S, Gonzalez-Peralta RP, Jara P, Mieli-Vergani G, Mohan N, Murray KF. Management of chronic hepatitis B in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009, 48 (4): 399-404 Mieli-Vergani G, Heller S, Jara P, Vergani D, Chang MH, Fujisawa T, Gonzalez-Peralta RP, Kelly D, Mohan N, Shah U, Murray KF. Autoimmue hepatitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009; 49 (2): 158-64l Komatsu H, Inui A, Sogo T, Hiejima E, Kudo N, Fujisawa T. Source of transmission in children with chronic hepatitis B infection after the implementation of a strategy for prevention in those at high risk. Hepatol Res. 2009 39: 569-76 Epub 2009 Feb 24 Sogo T, Nagasaka H, Komatsu H, Inui A, Miida T, Callea F, Francalani P, Hirano K, Kitamura H, Yorifuji T, Fujisawa T. Fibrinogen storage disease caused by Aguadilla mutation presenting with hypobeta-lipoproteinemia and considerable liver disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009: 49:133-6 Aomatsu T, Komatsu H, Yoden A, Hosomi A, Miyazaki H, Sogo T, Inui AS, Fujisawa T, Tamai H. Fulminant hepatitis B and acute hepatitis B due to inyrafamilial transmission of HBV after chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in an HBV carrier. Eur J Pediatr. 2009 24. Koamstu H, Nojiri H, Sogo T, Inui A, Sawa F, Fujisawa T. Sarcoiliitis infected with group A streptococcus in a child presenting with confusion and combativeness. J Infect Chemother. 2009. 15:328-30. Tajiri H, Inui A, Kiyohara Y, Suzuki M, Kagimoto S, Etani Y, Shimizu T, Fujisawa T. Peginterferon alpha-2b and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in Japanese pediatric and young adult patients: a survey of the Japan Society of Pediatric Hepatology. Eur J Gastroenterl Hepatol 2009. 21: 1256-1260,2009 Komatsu H, Sugawara H, Matsuoka M, Tsunoda T, Hirata G, Sogo T, Hanata M, inui A, Fujisawa T. Clinical features of children with pneumonia from awine-origine influenza A virus H1N1: A single center experience in Japan. Pediatric International. 53: 115-119, 2011 Shimizu N, Fujiwara T, Ohnishi S, Sato M, Kodama H, Kohsaka T, Inui A, FujisawaT, Tamai H,IDA S, Itoh S,Ito M, Horiike N, Harada M, Yoshino M, Aoki T. Effects of long-term Zinc reatment in Jaoanese patients with Wilson disease: efficacy, stability, and copper metabolism. Translation Research 2010; 156: 350-357 Tsunoda T, Inui A, Etani Y, Kiyohara Y, Sugiura T, Ito K, Miyazawa R, Nagata I, Ida S Fujisawa T. Efficacy or pegylated interferon-Α2a monotherapy in Japanese children with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology Reseach 2011;41:399-404 Hiejima E, Komatsu H, Sogo T, Inui A, Fujisawa T. Utility of simplified criteria for diagnosis of autoimmue hepatitis in children. JPGN 2011;52:470-473 Komatsu H, Inui A, Sogo T, Tateno A, Shimokawa R, Fujisawa T. Tears from children with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV)infection are infectious vehicles of HBV transmission by tears, using mice with chimeric human livers JID 2012:206: 478-485 Tsunoda T, Inui A, Kawamoto A, Sogo, Koamatsu H, Fujisawa T. Effect of pegylated rferon-alfa-2a monotherapy on growth in Japanese children with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology Res. 2013 March 27 [Epub ahead of print] komatsu H, Inui A, Tsunoda T, Sogo T, Fujisawa T. Association between an IL-28 polymorphism and the efficacy of the response-guided pegylated interferon therapy in children with chrionic hepatitis C infection. Hepatology Res. 2013 April 43:327-38

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